Around the world, many people suffer from degenerative and terminal diseases. Cancer, infectious and lifestyle diseases are becoming ever more common leading people to become permanently affected physically. Diseases not only affect major systems, even the minute physiological effects can wreak havoc on the body’s normal balance. Hormonal, nutritional and metabolic imbalances occur because of damage from important human tissues. For people such as those diagnosed with sickle cell disease and other forms of cancer, there are not cure that can help them permanently. Some that are lucky enough can survive for many more years but their quality of life significantly reduces. Click here for more:

Medical advancement has now yielded a lot in terms of effective treatment. There are a few individuals lucky enough to be part of certain programs for Regenerative Medicine which has now been found to be the most promising field for discovering cure for many forms of terminal diseases. Even now, certain cases of sickle cell diseases have been treated with new technology called stem cell treatment. This procedure involves the extraction of the bones in the body which forms the defective sickle-cell RBC’s and then replacing them with fresh and healthy blood-forming stem cells. This inevitably results to normal production of healthy red blood cells which hopefully will permanently cure patients of the disease.

Stem cell and Regenerative Medicine are a new branch in medical science with aims at the harnessing of the human body’s ability to reproduce new cells from stem cells capable of differentiation. This allows our body to fully restore the function of certain damaged tissues, organs and cells. Stem cells can mostly be extracted from the umbilical cords of new born babies. These cells have the capacity to regenerate and develop in to adult forms of cells. Stem cells can divide and become specialized cells or tissue such as bone cells, brain cells, muscle or can remain as stem cells. These cells are capable of repairing damaged internal organs from trauma or disease. Some strategies used for treatment of illness are stem cell transplantation, stem cell grafting and regenerative medicine.

There are a lot of scientific disciplines involved in regenerative medicine such as genetics, molecular biology, immunology and biochemistry. There are also numerous fields that use the technology. Regenerative medicine are involved in a variety of means in things such as cellular therapy, medical devices, artificially grown organs, medical devices and tissue engineering. Click here for more: